Home / Alabama / Alexander City / 256-215 / 10

The prefix 256-215 belongs to the city of Alexander City, Alabama. The following list contains a directory of numbers starting with this prefix.

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Phone number Name City
256-215-1870 Sandra Watson Alexander City
256-215-1871 Sharon Ethier Alexander City
256-215-1874 Maria Aviles Alexander City
256-215-1875 Leticia Sordia Alexander City
256-215-1879 Br Singh Alexander City
256-215-1882 Jessica Duel Alexander City
256-215-1883 Pam Chenea Alexander City
256-215-1887 Ryan Shelton Alexander City
256-215-1888 Susan Golwitzer Alexander City
256-215-1891 Johnnie Serak Alexander City
256-215-1893 Nan Holmes Alexander City
256-215-1895 Marsha Joyce Alexander City
256-215-1896 Patricia Ingram Alexander City
256-215-1897 Tammy Campbell Alexander City
256-215-1898 Douglas Parsons Alexander City
256-215-1899 Misty Brown Alexander City
256-215-1900 Joshua Orr Alexander City
256-215-1905 Sandra Stout Alexander City
256-215-1906 Jon Trevino Alexander City
256-215-1908 Larry Johnson Alexander City
256-215-1911 Heather Carrasco Alexander City
256-215-1913 Stacy Redding Alexander City
256-215-1914 Arthur Bourget Alexander City
256-215-1922 Lawrence Fine Alexander City
256-215-1925 Antonia Pashos Alexander City
256-215-1926 Heather Kernohan Alexander City
256-215-1927 Patrick Chambers Alexander City
256-215-1930 Donald Cooper Alexander City
256-215-1935 Debbie Hansen Alexander City
256-215-1938 Gregg Lindholm Alexander City
256-215-1940 Adam Hammons Alexander City
256-215-1941 Shenoa Garcia Alexander City
256-215-1942 Laura Honea Alexander City
256-215-1943 Richard Lozier Alexander City
256-215-1944 Mary Washington Alexander City
256-215-1945 Mary Assenmacher Alexander City
256-215-1950 Frances Mueller Alexander City
256-215-1953 Ttiffany Payne Alexander City
256-215-1957 Lloyd Scith Alexander City
256-215-1959 Scott Baxter Alexander City
256-215-1964 Margaret Brandon Alexander City
256-215-1966 Anh Bui Alexander City
256-215-1968 Ben Monty Alexander City
256-215-1969 Hector Laurias Alexander City
256-215-1972 Chun Lee Alexander City
256-215-1973 Burton Bartlett Alexander City
256-215-1974 Danielle For Alexander City
256-215-1975 Keisha Rogers Alexander City
256-215-1977 Alden Rillen Alexander City
256-215-1980 Alden Rillen Alexander City
256-215-1981 George Lawrence Alexander City
256-215-1988 Michelle Emery Alexander City
256-215-1991 Gregg Hutterer Alexander City
256-215-1996 Kay Lilly Alexander City
256-215-1997 Warren Chavis Alexander City
256-215-2000 Ellen Clason Alexander City
256-215-2002 Penny Kukla Alexander City
256-215-2005 Tracey Turner Alexander City
256-215-2006 Dale Zilembo Alexander City
256-215-2011 Philip Sbrolla Alexander City
256-215-2012 Jerry Kimball Alexander City
256-215-2013 Dena Scalzo Alexander City
256-215-2014 Shahed Miah Alexander City
256-215-2018 Willie Thompson Alexander City
256-215-2019 Joseph Scillia Alexander City
256-215-2022 Lauren Leon Alexander City
256-215-2023 Itzel Sepulveda Alexander City
256-215-2024 Howard Kaye Alexander City
256-215-2025 Pamela Rybka Alexander City
256-215-2030 Joyce Bennett Alexander City
256-215-2032 Michael Maturo Alexander City
256-215-2033 Tracy Johnson Alexander City
256-215-2035 Ed Beqalke Alexander City
256-215-2036 Amy Keane Alexander City
256-215-2038 Jeremy Ramos Alexander City
256-215-2039 Richard Adams Alexander City
256-215-2040 Daffeh Hansford Alexander City
256-215-2043 Jocelyn Smith Alexander City
256-215-2044 Eboni Wooten Alexander City
256-215-2046 Wesley Brock Alexander City
256-215-2050 Jessica Ragsdale Alexander City
256-215-2051 Robin Yarbrough Alexander City
256-215-2052 Monica Ensign Alexander City
256-215-2054 Flora Migyanka Alexander City
256-215-2055 Grant Michaelis Alexander City
256-215-2056 Cassie Covington Alexander City
256-215-2058 Teresa Wilcox Alexander City
256-215-2059 Kee Richardson Alexander City
256-215-2060 Athena Saunders Alexander City
256-215-2061 Rosemurie Leon Alexander City
256-215-2064 Kelvin Jack Alexander City
256-215-2065 Debra White Alexander City
256-215-2066 Trisha Oster Alexander City
256-215-2067 Kassie Thornton Alexander City
256-215-2068 Angela Miles Alexander City
256-215-2069 Russell Warren Alexander City
256-215-2075 Lalie Mole Alexander City
256-215-2079 Mary Reed Alexander City
256-215-2080 Machea Harris Alexander City
256-215-2084 Martin Daly Alexander City
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